Gravity has a time to tell us stories. I am walking in the woods of my words.

Lush language dipped in velvet and seeds of experience to share with others.

The Waves

in a flow
of endless pitch
blue bands of calm
break over the horizon
forming circles
shapes that wiggle in and out
of troughs
teaching us about
repitition and recovery
how water transfers
and answers
our fears
as we roll into
the energy
if we hear our own rush
in the magnificent pulse
of the ocean
and ourselves

A Cup of Tea

I jump into
a cup of hot water
licking a new leaf
as it sits
inside my belly
I feel "me"
the band of heat
serves thirst
and connects
sips around the world
saliva and flavour
a ritual
as if a belt
loosely holds liquid
a dull warmth
that stares me down
over and over
and coffee
isn't even there

My Buddy

I see purity
Pushing power
In the words
Of my grandchild
She flies with her thoughts
Her imagination
A language
Of joy
A craziness
That freezes our wonder
Cuts emotion
In cookies of love.