"Poetry is the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash." Leonard Cohen
Poetry is where we can be ourselves.
Poetry speaks a pure voice.
Poetry is in the details.
I love this quote about poetry by Adrienne Rich 1929- 2012
Adrienne Rich was an American poet, essayist and feminist. She was called "one of the most widely read and influential poets of the second half of the 20th century".
Her first collection of poetry, A Change of World, was selected by the senior poet W. H. Auden for the Yale Series of Younger Poets Award; she went on to write the introduction to the published volume.
She said poetry is "a living language, the core of every language, something that is still spoken, aloud or in the mind, muttered in secret, subversive, reaching around corners, crumpled in a pocket, performed to a community, read aloud, to the dying, recited by heart, scrated or sprayed on a wall. That kind of language from the heart and the mind. From the gut and the crotch. To claim wider horizons.
A language that made what is true, truer; what is small, bigger; what is silent, heard;what is fleeting, eternal.