Gravity has a time to tell us stories. I am walking in the woods of my words.

Lush language dipped in velvet and seeds of experience to share with others.

Quotes from Chagall and Kandinsky

"The psyche should go into the paint."
"In art, as in life, everything is possible if it is leased in love."
"Colour is the pulse of a work of art."
MARC CHAGALL (1887 – 1985) was a famous Russian artist, painter and print maker of lithographs; he created moreover several glass windows. His main motifs came from Jewish life (a.o. The Fiddler’) he experienced in his youth in Vitebsk, in Russia.
There is no form, there is nothing in the world which says nothing. Often – it is true – the message does not reach our soul, either because it has no meaning in and for itself, or – as is more likely – because it has not been conveyed to the right place… …Every serious work rings inwardly, like the calm and dignified words: ‘Here I am!’

* ”Concerning the spiritual in Art”, Wassily Kandinsky, Munich, 1911 (Russian painter, co-founder of ‘Blaue Reiter’ and famous for his book ‘Spiritual in art’, his series ‘Improvisations’ and Murnau landscapes)

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